Monday, July 27, 2009

In the Beginning: Why?

See full size imageAre you wondering why I wrote the previous blogs? You're pregnant and feeling joyous at the upcoming birth of your child which is exactly what you are supposed to be doing. But, it is also important to take care of yourself during your pregnancy. Mothering is an incredibly stressful and demanding career but as the old saying goes, "when Mom's happy, everyone's happy". For your child to feel joy and happiness, it is important for you to feel good about, and take care of yourself starting right now.

When I was pregnant, I had absolutely no idea what pregnancy and having a child entailed. My support group was limited because I was the first of my friends to have a baby and they knew about as much as I did...NOTHING. Of course I read all of the books and did everything I could to take care of my baby but did nothing to take care of myself. No one really told me how important that would be in raising my children. Looking back, I would have done many things very differently. I know it would have made a difference in my physical and mental well-being after my baby was born.

So now, why did I write this blog? Because I want you to begin looking for people to support you in a variety of ways and I want you to take care of yourself from the inside out. Don't be afraid to ask for and accept help. It doesn't make you need or helpless, it makes you healthy. Another reason for writing this blog was for people who know moms-to-be. Take time to support a pregnant friend or family member by doing something simple to ease their daily stress. We all know pregnant women get lots of advice but what they really need is loving, hands-on support that benefits their daily life.

I'm off to call my pregnant friend to see if I can watch her oldest child while she gets some needed rest. What can you do?

Next in the series: In the Beginning: Find Help

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